At this point, you probably know how Influenza, or The Flu, is a highly-contagious respiratory virus debilitating enough to wreak havoc on your daily routine. If you’re a student, contracting it may prevent you from attending school, which could make you fall far behind on school work and possibly lower your grades. For adults, the flu could force you to miss work and compromise your rapport with your customers and potential customers alike. Worse, however, would be if you chose to go to work instead, as you could infect your coworkers, which could then jeopardize the entire company’s productivity.
What some people simply fail to understand about the Flu, is its potential to cause a number of more severe illnesses. This is because the Flu compromises the immune system, weakening it to the point that it becomes susceptible to a variety of harmful infections and diseases. This is why it is vital for you to get a Flu shot each year prior to the start of Flu season.
We here at AFC Doctors Express Urgent Care Southcenter administer Flu shots every year on a walk-in basis. This means you don’t have to book an appointment with your primary care physician weeks in advance, as you can just visit us and pay no more than your standard office copay (as long as we accept your insurance).
For those of you who failed to receive a Flu shot and are experiencing Flu-like symptoms, have no fear; we can both diagnose and treat the Flu virus here. Sometimes the best course of action to take in combating the flu is to let it ride its course. In these instances, it’s still important to consult a physician as cases vary from patient-to-patient, so some people may require antivirals or other prescription medicines to treat their Flu virus. Our physicians are highly-experienced in urgent care and have worked many Flu seasons, so consulting them is the best first step in treating your Flu virus.
Visit us any day of the week between 8am and 8pm and we can begin the healing process. Even if it just means instructing you as to how you can beat the Flu using simple home remedies, it’s still a much better option than just sitting idly and hoping it goes away. We can also prescribe you the necessary medication if you’re displaying more severe symptoms.
Call us now at (425) 291-3300 for more information to get you on your way to being Flu-free!